36 | Florida, USA

Amanda is a freelance artist specializing in illustration and color design. She creates work for both private and commercial clients such as Steve Jackson Games, What Pumpkin, and For Fans by Fans. Born and raised in the tropical Miami, Florida, Amanda drew her color influences and flora motifs from the bright and vibrant Caribbean around her.

Continuous learning and artistic growth is something Amanda values strongly and she always looks for new ways to improve her craft. In the Summer of 2019, Amanda attended a residency with Light Grey Art Lab in Bergen, Norway where she experienced and studied from a new perspective. There, she learned to explore different horizons, palettes, shapes, and forms in her work,  which has helped broaden her style.

Occasionally, Amanda can be found selling her works of art across the country in various artist alleys. In her spare time, Amanda enjoys baking, traveling, and collecting cool rocks.

I am always looking for new projects and opportunities. If you would like to contact me for inquiries please email me at:!


Tomb @ Light Grey Art Lab

For Fans by Fans

What Pumpkin

New World Landing - AKA Sorority

Steve Jackson Games